
The French, they know how to live! Coffee, croissants, baguettes, omelettes, cafes. Sigh.

Some rain, some wind, but all is well.

Well, we’re not in France proper, but we are in a French Overseas Territory, and boy, can they bake! We’ve been in Guadeloupe for 9 days now. This is where we waited while Hurricane Beryl passed by and then while Invest 96L passed by (a tropical wave). We were stuck on the boat a lot, so there’s not much to report. Except for croissants. We did make the arduous trip across the bay to the bakery every other day to procure said baked goods-because storm snacks are important. On Friday, we finally left Deshaies, on the northwest corner of Guadeloupe and headed south once more. After a 5 hour motor, we arrived at Ilet la Cabrit, a small islet in the chain known as the Isles le Saints, which is also part of Guadeloupe. It’s gorgeous here, of course. We got up this morning and explored the small island, which is home to a ruined fort (Fort Josephine) and an abandoned resort. And goats, of course. Always goats. Afterwards, we dinghyed across to Terre-de-Haut and walked around town. And bought baguettes. Again. And gelato. We’ll likely hang out here for a few days before continuing our journey southwards.

Short post today, but long on pictures. Enjoy!