Well, I hoped by this week’s blog post we would be a week into our journey across the Pacific regaling you with tales of life on the high seas and dolphin pics. Instead, we are currently sitting back at the… Continue Reading →
And we’re off! Well, tomorrow that is. That is our plan. We leave early tomorrow morning to cross the Pacific Ocean. That doesn’t sound scary at all! We had thought we might leave mid-week last week, but the weather didn’t… Continue Reading →
A question came up from one of our readers: How do you know when the weather is good for you to leave when the trip is a month? Great question!! Context first: We’re in Panama on the Pacific coast, north… Continue Reading →
For those of you who know us well, you know that Bob and I love to cook and we love to eat great food. In our former land life, we loved planning and hosting meals. We might have had every… Continue Reading →
That’s right. We’re preppers. Though not, admittedly, in the traditional sense. No underground bunkers. No heavy weapons. No zombie killing weaponry. Though we are going heavy on solar power and canned goods. We are now back on board Meraviglia in… Continue Reading →
And so 2024, our first year of cruising, comes to a close. It’s true we moved aboard in 2023, but 2023 was filled with boat work, trying to get Meraviglia into a state where we could actually leave the dock…. Continue Reading →
WE MADE IT!!!!! It was a 14-hour journey with its fair share of twists and turns, but we have successfully transited the Panama Canal and are now officially in the Pacific Ocean. The original plan was to leave on Thursday… Continue Reading →
We were just notified that there is a change to the plan. We will now be beginning our canal transit at 4 AM instead of 4 PM and it will be a 1 day transit instead of 2. This is… Continue Reading →
We are a go for transiting the Panama Canal tomorrow and if you want to follow along, here’s what you need to know: Our Canal Advisor comes aboard at 3 PM EST tomorrow. Once he is aboard, we will proceed… Continue Reading →
Well, Panama. We’ve been here a little over a week now, resting up and preparing for our canal transit. That will be happening this Thursday (and maybe Friday too, depending on whether we get a 1- or 2-day transit assignment,… Continue Reading →
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