Sailing Meraviglia
We’re Bob and Kim Stephens on board Meraviglia, our 1985 Stevens 47. We’re glad you found us! In 2022, we decided to take off and experience life on the water. We hope to meet fantastic people, experience new cultures and places, and challenge ourselves through the wonderment of ocean sailing.
- Chapter 139: Will We Run Out of Food?!?For those of you who know us well, you know that Bob and I love to cook and we love to eat great food. In our former land life, we loved planning and hosting meals. We might have had every… Continue Reading →
- Chapter 138: The One Where We Become PreppersThat’s right. We’re preppers. Though not, admittedly, in the traditional sense. No underground bunkers. No heavy weapons. No zombie killing weaponry. Though we are going heavy on solar power and canned goods. We are now back on board Meraviglia in… Continue Reading →
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