Well today has been a hard day.  We continued to discuss our engine oil leak and possible problems.  Without taking it apart, it is hard to diagnose and fix.  We also realized we have some battery charging issues and we have to be able to know our batteries are charging correctly so we have the power we need.  We discussed a couple of options including having our project manager drive here to Fernandina versus Meraviglia returning to Brunswick.  Knowing that the fixes may involve needing parts and people we trust, we have decided to return to Brunswick tomorrow.  It should be a six hour trip back up the ICW.  While it isn’t the plan we intended,  we know we need to make safety a priority and these fixes must be done. So we are grateful that the marina has space for us to return and we will head back to Georgia tomorrow.  We will continue to share updates and appreciate all of the support and encouragement ♥️♥️♥️