Wednesday was a great first full day in the Bahamas!  We started the day doing some boat chores after our passage here. We needed to do some cleaning as well as make some water! With the chores out of the way, we decided to dinghy in and explore the village of Bullock Harbour. We went to government dock and a local named Steve gave us some advice on where it was best to tie up. Apparently he is there everyday and makes fresh conch salad that he sells. We might need to try some before we go! We walked through town but it was very quiet, not much appeared open. We decided to walk across the island to have lunch at the Beach Club at Shark Creek Beach. It was a 3.25 mile walk each way and a bit warm in the sun but also good to be off the boat and exercising. We had two locals stop and kindly offer us a ride but we declined so we could stretch our legs a bit. We arrived at the Beach Club and the view was breathtaking, definitely what we have been dreaming about! We quickly remembered the concept of “island time” with one waitress working the entire place but the chicken sandwiches and the Kalik (Bahamian beer) were excellent!

The walkway to the beach from the Beach Club restaurant
Not bad for my first Kalik!

After lunch we headed back to the dinghy as we had made a date with some fellow boaters, the crew of S/V Maka , to visit Shark Creek at high tide. We went back to Meraviglia to do a few things then headed over to meet up with our friends. We traveled by dinghy to Shark Creek which is a small creek through the mangroves to the other side of the island. It is known for having lots of turtles and being fun to explore. While we didn’t see a lot of turtles, we saw some plus some stingrays and other fish so it did not disappoint. Plus it was fun to watch Bob and Leah navigate the dinghy’s in this small space in the mangroves! Honestly it felt a bit like a Disney ride- so fun!

Entrance into Shark Creek
The fab crew of S/V Maka!
Our first turtle friend, we also saw stingrays but I didn’t get a picture of them- I was a little excited!
The path was pretty narrow in places

We ended the day with a quiet dinner on board enjoying the sunset and prepping Meraviglia for some expected wind tomorrow. It definitely is taking some time to adjust to the fact that we are in another country aboard our home. We still have so much to learn but are trying to create some consistent routines. But we have also quickly learned those routines need to be flexible as our boat and our safety is dependent on the wind and weather which is always changing. We are not sure yet of our next port of call but excited to keep heading south!