We sail to experience the wonderment over the horizon.

Tag windlass

Chapter 123: I Have Screws Loose

Now, many of you, I know, realized this long ago. We must be crazy, after all, to do what we’ve done. But I am referring, not to my mental state, but rather to physical screws. They’re loose. And they cause… Continue Reading →

Chapter 55: We’re Seaworthy!

Yep, we are. Almost 5 months after arriving here, Meraviglia is safe to go to sea. That doesn’t mean there isn’t work left to do-there is. But the remaining work doesn’t impact her safety at sea (or ours). The last… Continue Reading →

Chapter 54: T Minus 19 Days…

Yep, 19 days. Nineteen days until we shove off (weather permitting, of course). That’s feeling pretty, well, REAL. As in, “we’ve got a REAL long list to get accomplished”. But overall, it seems to be going fairly well. It also… Continue Reading →

Chapter 30: “Meraviglia 13”

One of my all-time favorite movies is Apollo 13 from 1995.  It is truly a classic.  It details the Apollo 13 moon mission in which the spacecraft suffered an explosion on the way to the moon and the heroics of… Continue Reading →

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