We sail to experience the wonderment over the horizon.

Tag Stevens 47

Chapter 55: We’re Seaworthy!

Yep, we are. Almost 5 months after arriving here, Meraviglia is safe to go to sea. That doesn’t mean there isn’t work left to do-there is. But the remaining work doesn’t impact her safety at sea (or ours). The last… Continue Reading →

Chapter 54: T Minus 19 Days…

Yep, 19 days. Nineteen days until we shove off (weather permitting, of course). That’s feeling pretty, well, REAL. As in, “we’ve got a REAL long list to get accomplished”. But overall, it seems to be going fairly well. It also… Continue Reading →

Chapter 53: Abandon Ship! This one’s for you kids…

This week brought some colder temperatures to Brunswick along with the start of November. Our boat does not have heat so we are definitely feeling some urgency to make our deadline of December 1st to start heading south to warmer… Continue Reading →

Chapter 51: Weekend Break!

This week was another week of checking things off the list. And surgery. Yes, I finally had my carpal tunnel surgery on Wednesday. The early part of the week was pre op testing and working on some smaller projects: building… Continue Reading →

Chapter 50: We’re Outta Here!

We have to go. No, seriously. It’s getting cooler here in Brunswick, Georgia and soon it will be cold. Gotta go. So, WE HAVE SET A DATE! We are leaving on or before December 1st. Whatever work gets done by… Continue Reading →

Chapter 49: It’s a BRAND NEW CAR!

We took a delivery yesterday-a big one. It’s our new car! “Wait”, you say, “I thought you were taking off on your boat. Why the heck are you buying a car??!!” Well, it’s not exactly a car in the traditional… Continue Reading →

Chapter 48: Boom! Vang!

Evidently I, Bob, am a rigger’s apprentice now. As we get closer to the bottom of the projects list, rigging has become higher-priority. Sailboats have a lot of lines. Not ropes. Lines. Again I will say it: NOT. ROPES. But,… Continue Reading →

Chapter 47: Just a sailing groupie…

This summer it felt like everyone was a Swiftie! Parents, children, grandparents – you name it, they were trading bracelets and sharing pics of their concert attendance. This week I got to have my own groupie experience, sailing style!Cruisers University… Continue Reading →

Chapter 45: Hitting the Road! (Again)

Well, we’re off!  But not on the boat.  Unfortunately, we’re in the car.  But it IS sailing-adjacent.  We are on our way to Annapolis, Maryland for two things.  First, we are both enrolled in a week of classes at Cruisers… Continue Reading →

Chapter 44: Road Trip!

We had a little time off Meraviglia this week to travel to Atlanta. As many of you know, Nick LOVES soccer and has been enjoying playing with a variety of teams since he has been In Atlanta. Unfortunately, he tore… Continue Reading →

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