After 4200 nautical miles and 33 days, we have arrived at Hiva Oa in French Polynesia. Kim and I are still processing everything (and recovering), but I have a few thoughts right up front: first, it was long. That’s obvious,… Continue Reading →
16 Days That’s how long we’ve been at sea now, in our quest to cross the Pacific Ocean. 16 days. We initially thought the passage would take 24-26 days. Ha! That was before we encountered the Gulf of Panama, which… Continue Reading →
And we’re off! Again. Trying to cross the Pacific. And so far, it feels very familiar. We left Friday and the first day was just lovely. There was a beautiful breeze and we were on the move at last! WooHoo!… Continue Reading →
And we’re off! Well, tomorrow that is. That is our plan. We leave early tomorrow morning to cross the Pacific Ocean. That doesn’t sound scary at all! We had thought we might leave mid-week last week, but the weather didn’t… Continue Reading →
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