We sail to experience the wonderment over the horizon.


Chapter 66: The One With the Final Turn of the Screw

Well, we made it back. We are back in Brunswick, safely at the marina. It took us four days because of tides and low bridges. We managed to avoid any further damage from low bridges, so that is good. Yesterday… Continue Reading →

Chapter 64: The One Where the ICW Kicks Our Asses

“The Intracoastal Waterway covers around 5,000 km of canal length and extends from Florida to Boston, Massachusetts! This is an incredible, incomparable experience for everyone!” Well. That’s one way to describe it. Let me try: “The Intracoastal Waterway is a… Continue Reading →

Chapter 51: Weekend Break!

This week was another week of checking things off the list. And surgery. Yes, I finally had my carpal tunnel surgery on Wednesday. The early part of the week was pre op testing and working on some smaller projects: building… Continue Reading →

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