We sail to experience the wonderment over the horizon.

Tag hurricane

Chapter 110: ‘Tis the Season

Hurricane season, that is. Stretching from June through November, these are the months of the Atlantic hurricane season. And predictions are it’s going to be a doozy. The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is predicting an 85% chance of… Continue Reading →

Chapter 36: Whew!

Well, we made it. Hurricane Idalia has come and gone, leaving us with no damage. THANK YOU JESUS! Several of you felt we should have evacuated and that people who choose to “ride out” hurricanes are crazy. We agree-they are…. Continue Reading →

Chapter 35: The Waiting Game

Usually we post on Thursdays and Sundays. We thought we would put a post up today since we are…waiting. Waiting for Idalia. That’s Hurricane Idalia, for those not living in a floating box in the Southeast US. She’s scheduled to… Continue Reading →

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