We sail to experience the wonderment over the horizon.

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Chapter 122: Grenada

We arrived in Grenada from Bequia on 8/18 and it felt like a HUGE accomplishment.  For as long as we have been working and planning – the goal was to get to Grenada for hurricane season.  Originally, we thought we… Continue Reading →

Chapter 117: Saint-Pierre and another volcano!

After the excitement of being in the midst of the Tour de Yoles, we decided to head for something a bit quieter.  When we initially sailed to Martinique we went first to the southernmost port of Le Marin as we… Continue Reading →

Chapter 115: Windward sailing and plan changes!

We started the week in Les Saintes, Guadeloupe.  We enjoyed our time there but found a weather window to continue making our way south so we cleared out of Guadeloupe with customs and immigration on Monday anticipating a Tuesday departure. … Continue Reading →

Chapter 109: Monserrat and the Volcano

We spent Father’s Day weekend on Nevis. While we did get to see the birthplace of Alexander Hamilton, the anchorage was rolly and loud – never a good combination for getting sleep. We did get to visit Sunshine’s Beach Bar… Continue Reading →

Chapter 108: One Year of Boat Life

Well, it’s hard to believe, but it’s been a year. One year ago, Kim and I packed up the Prius with all of our remaining worldly belongings and headed for Brunswick, Georgia to move onto Meraviglia. To say a lot… Continue Reading →

Chapter 105: The Footsteps of Our Fathers

Ever do something you thought was “groundbreaking” and “new” only to find out that some member of your family had done it before and no one ever mentioned it? Yeah, that happened. We just crossed the Anegada Passage between the… Continue Reading →

Chapter 104: Hurry up and go!

We continued our time in the BVI’s this week exploring a few new anchorages. After a great time exploring the The Baths at Virgin Gorda we headed back over to Tortola to visit Marina Cay and Scrub Island.  We are… Continue Reading →

Chapter 103: Sun and Snorkeling!

We have spent the last several days learning more about why the BVI’s are such a popular place to charter.  We have visited some fantastic spots for sure!  We stayed in Cane Bay Garden on Tortola for two days.  It… Continue Reading →

Chapter 101: The BVI’s with many friends…

On Friday, we left St. John, USVI to jump across to the British Virgin Islands.  The trip from Coral Bay to Tortola was a short one,  less than 2 hours. We needed to clear in with customs and immigration so… Continue Reading →

Chapter 90: “Island Time”, Weather and Easter, Can We Do This?!?

We left Mayaguana in the Bahamas at sunset on Thursday in order to reach the Turks and Caicos ahead of the expected weather front on Friday afternoon. We had already cleared out of the Bahamas in Georgetown so we could… Continue Reading →

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