We sail to experience the wonderment over the horizon.

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Chapter 41: When Your Parents are Very Cool, Actually

Special from Katharine Stephens: Okay, okay, it’s finally time for the other child’s perspective. Ever since Nick volunteered to write a post for this blog last month, my mom started asking me when I was writing mine, even though I… Continue Reading →

Chapter 40: A Light at the End of the Tunnel

Merriam Webster describes a light at the end of the tunnel as a noun phrase defined as a reason to believe that a bad situation will end soon or that a long and difficult job will be finished soon. This… Continue Reading →

Chapter 39: MOVING WEEK! Part 2 (Still Metaphorical)

The second half of the week continued the good vibes of the first half. First, we had the plumber on site for three days, which was HUGE. Those projects have been moving as a glacial pace because marine contractors are… Continue Reading →

Chapter 38: MOVING WEEK! (metaphorically , of course)-Part I

It’s been a grind lately. I’ve felt like a hamster on a wheel-running fast and going nowhere. Last weekend was particularly bad, especially since I authored some setbacks on my own. Note to self: when cutting into the ceiling, be… Continue Reading →

Chapter 37: Patience is a virtue…

So we continue to move forward through the enormous list of tasks needed to ready Meraviglia to launch.  Happily some of our projects on our list have been getting accomplished:  PHEW!  Bob was the lead and I assisted as we… Continue Reading →

Chapter 36: Whew!

Well, we made it. Hurricane Idalia has come and gone, leaving us with no damage. THANK YOU JESUS! Several of you felt we should have evacuated and that people who choose to “ride out” hurricanes are crazy. We agree-they are…. Continue Reading →

Chapter 35: The Waiting Game

Usually we post on Thursdays and Sundays. We thought we would put a post up today since we are…waiting. Waiting for Idalia. That’s Hurricane Idalia, for those not living in a floating box in the Southeast US. She’s scheduled to… Continue Reading →

Chapter 34: Under CONSTRUCTION!

God, I love to break stuff. Kim and I used to watch a lot of HGTV and “Demo Day” was always my favorite part of the shows: Rip stuff out, take it apart, haul it away. If it’s no good,… Continue Reading →

Chapter 33: In the words of my mother, “It could always be worse…”

My mother, Darlene was diagnosed with osteomyelitis when she was young after taking a bad fall roller skating. She had to endure many surgeries and underwent long hospitalizations in Philadelphia. When all was said and done, she ended up with… Continue Reading →

Chapter 32: Where’s the Fire, Bob?

I’m in a hurry. And I don’t mean a “we’re going to be late for dinner” hurry. I mean a “hair on fire” hurry. We arrived here in Brunswick on June 26th., That is eight weeks ago tomorrow. In that… Continue Reading →

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