We sail to experience the wonderment over the horizon.

Tag bilge

Chapter 89: Learning…Always Learning

Never get comfortable. That’s really what I need to learn. Boats don’t want you to be comfortable. Unless you own a superyacht with paid crew-then you can be as comfortable as you want. Otherwise, not so much. What I need… Continue Reading →

Chapter 67: In Which a Motorectomy is Performed

We need a new motor. And transmission. Because of course we do-it’s really the only system we haven’t replaced. So it failed. Away we go! Removing a 750-odd pound engine from a sailboat at dock is not straightforward (no surprise… Continue Reading →

Chapter 55: We’re Seaworthy!

Yep, we are. Almost 5 months after arriving here, Meraviglia is safe to go to sea. That doesn’t mean there isn’t work left to do-there is. But the remaining work doesn’t impact her safety at sea (or ours). The last… Continue Reading →

Chapter 45: Hitting the Road! (Again)

Well, we’re off!  But not on the boat.  Unfortunately, we’re in the car.  But it IS sailing-adjacent.  We are on our way to Annapolis, Maryland for two things.  First, we are both enrolled in a week of classes at Cruisers… Continue Reading →

Chapter 44: Road Trip!

We had a little time off Meraviglia this week to travel to Atlanta. As many of you know, Nick LOVES soccer and has been enjoying playing with a variety of teams since he has been In Atlanta. Unfortunately, he tore… Continue Reading →

Ch. 12 Isn’t the Water Supposed to be on the OUTSIDE??

This one takes the prize for weirdness.  Our project manager texts me: Him:  Can You Talk? Me:  Sure. Thinking “How much will this cost us?” Him:  Your bilge is full of water-like almost to the sole boards (floor). Me:  The… Continue Reading →

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