HYPERBOLE ALERT: We found our favorite spot so far!! The thing is, we’re not exactly sure why. I mean, when you think about favorite island destinations, what’s on the checklist? Let’s talk about Saba. I’m gonna go out on a… Continue Reading →
We’ve got another video for you this time. We thought there might be some interest in how we transition from motoring to sailing, so we shot this video of the process. It actually takes longer. The entire process clocks in… Continue Reading →
Ever do something you thought was “groundbreaking” and “new” only to find out that some member of your family had done it before and no one ever mentioned it? Yeah, that happened. We just crossed the Anegada Passage between the… Continue Reading →
We continued our time in the BVI’s this week exploring a few new anchorages. After a great time exploring the The Baths at Virgin Gorda we headed back over to Tortola to visit Marina Cay and Scrub Island. We are… Continue Reading →
We have spent the last several days learning more about why the BVI’s are such a popular place to charter. We have visited some fantastic spots for sure! We stayed in Cane Bay Garden on Tortola for two days. It… Continue Reading →
You know what’s hard? Trying to explain something you don’t understand. In medicine, the mantra while I was training was always “see one, do one, teach one”. Well, I can see the problem, but I just don’t get it. The… Continue Reading →
On Friday, we left St. John, USVI to jump across to the British Virgin Islands. The trip from Coral Bay to Tortola was a short one, less than 2 hours. We needed to clear in with customs and immigration so… Continue Reading →
Yep. We do. Specifically, I’m referring to St. John in the U.S. Virgin Islands. When we dreamed about voyaging on a sailboat, St. John is exactly what we were picturing in our minds. It is absolutely gorgeous. Each anchorage is… Continue Reading →
Current Location: St. John in the U.S. Virgin Islands. We’re slowly circumnavigating this small island, moving from one beautiful beach to the next. Almost all of the island is part of the U.S. National Park System, so it’s great for… Continue Reading →
We successfully reached St. Thomas yesterday!! Hooray! This feels like a huge accomplishment and somehow feels so appropriate to be in the place where we celebrated the start of our marriage on our honeymoon 31 years ago. We have now… Continue Reading →
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