Sailing Meraviglia

We sail to experience the wonderment over the horizon.

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Ch. 8: We Made It!

We Made It! On Day Two, we went from St. Augustine to Fernandina Beach.  Then Day Three was Fernandina Beach to Brunswick, Georgia.  We discovered that the weather on the first day was the norm:  no wind in the morning,… Continue Reading →

Ch. 7: See Bob and Kim Sail

We had identified a marina with a boatyard in South Georgia that had space for us.  Our plan was to take her there, haul her out and keep her on the hard during the 2022 hurricane season and get her… Continue Reading →

Ch. 6: You Just Can’t Make This Stuff Up

We owned a boat.  We were to take possession in 2 weeks.  We needed a plan and fast.  And insurance.  Insurance would probably be good. We had heard horror stories about boat insurance-that companies are refusing to insure older boats… Continue Reading →

Ch. 5: The One Where We Buy a Boat

Spring of 2022 went on.  We signed up with Behan and Jamie Gifford of Sailing Totem.  They offer consulting services to cruisers and would-be cruisers and I had heard about them on the Liveaboard Sailing Podcast.  They also own a… Continue Reading →

Ch. 4: The One Where We Look At Boats

Okaaaay.  How does one buy a boat exactly?  Google, Google, Google, Google.  Wow.  There are a lot of boats.  Lots of different kinds of boats.  Should we build a boat?  NOOOO!  Can we afford a new boat?  NOOOOOO!  Do we… Continue Reading →

Ch. 3: How to Ignore the Plan to Destroy the Plan

It was late 2021 and now we couldn’t decide.  We had decided to take an installment of our retirement to see far-flung places.  But couldn’t decide HOW to see them.  Let’s make a plan.  Cool.  We’re good at that.  What… Continue Reading →

Ch. 2: How to Develop a Plan to Destroy Your Existing Plan

Kim and I were burned out. And we didn’t want to wait and lose the opportunity to do the things on our “bucket list”. We started to think.  We are both planners.  We map out a strategy, gather information, gain… Continue Reading →

Ch. 1: It’s Possible We’ve Lost Our Minds

Mid Life Crisis:  Wikipedia defines a mid-life crisis as “a transition of identity and self-confidence that can occur in middle-aged individuals, typically 40 to 60 years old. The phenomenon is described as a psychological crisis brought about by events that highlight a… Continue Reading →

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