We sail to experience the wonderment over the horizon.

Author rpstephens11

Chapter 30: “Meraviglia 13”

One of my all-time favorite movies is Apollo 13 from 1995.  It is truly a classic.  It details the Apollo 13 moon mission in which the spacecraft suffered an explosion on the way to the moon and the heroics of… Continue Reading →

Chapter 28: When Your Parents Lose Their Minds

Special from Nick Stephens: What do you do when your notoriously risk-averse parents decide to sell all their belongings and go live on a boat indefinitely? I mean, I don’t want to speak for everyone. I’m sure this is a… Continue Reading →

Chapter 27: We’re Camping! I Hate Camping!

Well, Kim and I live on a boat now. As you read this, we have spent 48 hours with Meraviglia as our only residence. “Wow!” you’re thinking-“they really got a lot of work done fast!” Nope. We have no running… Continue Reading →

Chapter 26: Teamwork Makes…?

Hi There! Bob here. I thought we were going on a sailing adventure. Instead, Kim and I are currently on a boat work adventure. It turns out we’re also on a voyage of self-discovery, sort of. It turns out, one… Continue Reading →

Chapter 24: We Must Be Crazy

That’s what you’re thinking, right? We know it is. Frankly, we are thinking that ourselves pretty often these days. Because, this has, so far, not gone exactly to plan. You may also be thinking “they made a big mistake buying… Continue Reading →

Chapter 22: How to Repair a Plastic Boat

A couple of posts ago, I described how fiberglass boats are built. Now that we know that, we can talk about how to repair them-and specifically ours. First, as we discussed, our boat has holes. Lots and lots of holes:… Continue Reading →

Chapter 20: How to Build a Plastic Boat

Okay, we’re not building a plastic boat, but we are REbuilding a plastic boat.  And in order to repair it, we need to understand how it’s built.  If you’ve been following our social media posts, you know we’ve done some… Continue Reading →

Chapter 18: What Makes a Sailboat Go?

You Know What Makes a Sailboat Go?  That’s Right-ELECTRICITY! It seems counterintuitive, but, in fact, sailboats need electricity.  They actually need quite a bit of electricity.  For example: And that all requires electricity.  There are two main challenges in powering… Continue Reading →

Chapter 17: From Bad to Worse

By this point, we were feeling optimistic!  It’s late May.  The rudder is repaired.  The hull has its CopperCoat.  It’s time to talk about the plan to re-launch Meraviglia-to finally get her afloat once more.  First step:  create a list… Continue Reading →

Ch. 16: The Rudder

Can we talk about our rudder?  Because it’s a royal pain.  As the boat sat on the hard, it became clear that the rudder was “wet”.  Namely, it was leaking water.  Closer inspection revealed that the trailing edge was delaminating… Continue Reading →

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